Developing an Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Treatment Plan
Learn more about the symptoms and types of OCD and how to develop an obsessive-compulsive disorder treatment plan here.
Studies suggest OCD is the fourth most common mental health condition and a leading cause of disability in the U.S. Without support and an obsessive-compulsive disorder treatment plan unique to one’s needs, OCD can cause significant impairment in daily functioning and quality of life.
What Is OCD?
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition characterized by two primary symptoms; obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are unpleasant, persistent thoughts that lead to fear and worry. Someone with OCD obsessions will usually seek a way to reduce their emotional effect. This leads to compulsions.
OCD compulsions are thoughts or actions used to eliminate or reduce the presence of obsessions. Someone with OCD may need to perform compulsions repeatedly until they feel at ease. Unfortunately, the effect of compulsions is short-lived, and obsessions return.
Obsessions and compulsions look different from person to person. It is also possible to experience obsessions or compulsions separately. Medical and mental health professionals separate OCD symptoms into five types or subtypes.
Are There Different Types Of OCD?
OCD is sometimes considered a single diagnosis. Although information varies, treatment professionals generally recognize five types of OCD. When mental health providers develop an obsessive-compulsive disorder treatment plan, they consider the type of OCD and one’s specific symptoms.
This helps to ensure your individualized obsessive-compulsive disorder treatment plan meets your needs.
Contamination OCD involves concerns about illness and disease. Someone with this OCD type may believe people can spread non-viral illness by being close to or touching someone or something. There is also concern that everyday objects, words, and thoughts can “contaminate someone.”
The feeling of being “unclean” that results from this type of OCD may lead to frequent hand washing and cleaning. It can also lead to avoidance of people, objects, and situations that could potentially involve contamination or the risk of exposure to something “unclean.”
Organizational OCD involves obsessions that require the ordering and symmetry of objects. If someone does not perform compulsions to have their surroundings in a particular order, it can lead to worry and distress. Someone with organizational OCD may believe lack of order can cause harm to themselves or loved ones.
Intrusive Thoughts
Someone with intrusive thoughts experiences random, generally distressing thoughts that enter their mind. Their thoughts may involve harming a loved one or stranger.
They may include violence or sexual ideas. Although someone with intrusive thoughts experiences harmful or violent thoughts, they do not act upon or agree with them. Often, their thoughts are so out of the ordinary that the fact they occur is highly distressing.
Another common OCD subtype is checking. This involves concern about causing harm or damage to someone or something due to carelessness. Compulsions may include checking to see if the stove is off or ensuring the door is locked. It is common to repeat these compulsions several times before feeling at ease.
Ruminations are similar to intrusive thoughts, but there are notable differences. The thoughts experienced by someone with rumination OCD are not disturbing or upsetting. Instead, they typically involve questions with no proven answers or solutions.
What Are The Common Symptoms Of OCD?
The symptoms one experiences with OCD will typically relate to the subtype of OCD. It is important to remember, however, an obsessive-compulsive disorder treatment plan considers all types of OCD, as it is possible to experience symptoms from more than one type.
OCD symptoms affect each person in unique ways. Not all symptoms occur for everyone. Depending on the individual and if they are getting help with an obsessive-compulsive disorder treatment plan, OCD symptoms may range from mild to debilitating. The most common symptoms of OCD include:
- Counting
- Hoarding
- Frequent or excessive hand washing
- Arranging and ordering objects
- Checking (i.e., testing door locks or stove knobs)
- Avoidance of places, people, or situations
- Repeating words either out loud or internally
How Does OCD Impact Overall Wellness?
One reason people seek to learn more about an obsessive-compulsive disorder treatment plan at a Raleigh, Durham, or Chapel Hill program is due to the effects OCD has on overall wellness.
Living with OCD is often far more complex than portrayed on television or in the movies. OCD symptoms can lead to social, emotional, physical, and financial difficulties.
Emotional Impact
Some people, regardless of age, who live with OCD spend much of their day performing rituals to calm compulsions. This means completing other necessary tasks, such as going to work or school, becomes challenging.
For some, worry and fear associated with OCD lead to isolation and avoidance of others. This can lead to depression and other mental and physical challenges.
Social And Financial Difficulties
OCD also leads to social and financial difficulties. If OCD symptoms limit the ability to engage with others and perform daily tasks, maintaining employment becomes difficult. It is also tough to support personal relationships with others who may not understand OCD or if obsessions and compulsions have control of all aspects of one’s life.
What Is An Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Treatment Plan?
Developing an obsessive-compulsive disorder treatment plan requires careful consideration of each person’s treatment needs. Because OCD symptoms vary, it is important to conduct a thorough assessment of symptoms. This will help accurately diagnose OCD and uncover co-existing mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder.
In addition to the assessment, an obsessive-compulsive disorder treatment plan should include various elements of therapy, medications, and follow-up care. These elements include:
- Family education about OCD
- Psychotherapy
- Mental health medications, including SSRIs
- Comprehensive follow-up planning and care
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Treatment Plan At Advaita Integrated Medicine
OCD does not resolve on its own. In many cases, mild symptoms will evolve into severe and debilitating interruptions in your day-to-day life. If you notice OCD affects your ability to feel and live your best life, it is essential to contact a treatment professional.
There are many OCD treatment opportunities available in Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill. At Advaita Integrated Medicine, we will work with you to develop an individually designed obsessive-compulsive disorder treatment plan.
What We Offer
At Advaita Integrated Medicine, we understand that everyone who has OCD experiences the illness in different ways. It is the variation in symptoms and complexities of OCD that underscores the vital importance of caring, compassionate, and individualized care. Our team will work with you to develop a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.
Treatment for OCD in Raleigh
Let us help you take the first steps towards lasting wellness and freedom from OCD. Contact a member of our admissions team today to learn more about our treatment programs throughout the greater Raleigh-Durham area.
Questions About Treatment?
Reach out to Advaita Integrated Medicine today and let us guide you toward a full and rewarding life uninhibited by mental health or substance use disorder challenges. We are here to support you every step of the way.
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Questions About Treatment?
Reach out to Advaita Integrated Medicine today and let us guide you toward a full and rewarding life uninhibited by mental health or substance use disorder challenges. We are here to support you every step of the way.