How Is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Treated?
How is obsessive compulsive disorder treated? Learn about OCD treatment and it’s symptoms, causes, and treatment options at Advaita Integrated Medicine.
What Is OCD?
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a mental health disorder characterized by recurring unwanted thoughts, ideas, or sensations. These are called “obsessions.” People with OCD typically feel compelled to do something repetitively to get rid of these unwanted thoughts.
Repetitive behaviors can include continually checking on something, frequent hand washing, or performing mental acts like counting.
Impact Of OCD
These distressing thoughts and repetitive behaviors can significantly disrupt daily life. People suffering from OCD feel that performing these behaviors will keep dire consequences at bay. If they don’t complete an OCD behavior, they might feel like they or someone they care about is in harm’s way.
Many people who have OCD are aware that their obsessive thoughts are not realistic. They still find it difficult to disengage from these thoughts or stop their compulsive actions. Others believe their obsessional thoughts are realistic.
OCD can negatively impact a person’s life, but there is hope. Keep reading to better understand the answer to the question “how is obsessive compulsive disorder treated?”
What Causes OCD?
Although there is no exact known cause of OCD, experts believe several factors can play a role. Brain abnormalities, genetics, and the environment may be contributing factors to the development or onset of OCD. Other mental health disorders may also occur with OCD, including depression, substance use disorder, or eating disorders.
Signs And Symptoms Of OCD
How is obsessive compulsive disorder treated, and what are the relevant signs and symptoms? Obsessions and compulsions are different from person to person. The Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale includes 13 categories of OCD symptoms.
People often experience symptoms from several categories. These will be detailed below.
The most recognizable form of OCD involves obsessions about things being in the right place or being symmetrical. A person with this symptom might make all of the labels on cans face outward in the pantry or organize all of their books in a specific way.
Intrusive Thoughts
Checking occurs when a person is concerned that they might cause harm through carelessness. They might check doors to make sure they are locked or triple check light switches to be certain a fire doesn’t start while they are gone.
How Is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Treated? Advaita Integrated Medicine Can Help You Or A Loved One Reach Sustainable Wellness
If you have OCD, you’re not alone. Advaita Integrated Medicine is a great place to start living a healthy, fulfilling life. We help people from all walks of life find relief from OCD and its difficult symptoms. Our licensed staff will welcome you with open arms and gently encourage you throughout your wellness journey.
Reach out to us today for an initial consultation. Get started on your personal treatment plan and find out the answer to “how is obsessive compulsive disorder treated?” through our opportunities for personalized recovery plans. Our team of psychiatrists in Raleigh and our team of psychiatrists in Chapel Hill are here to work alongside our team of therapists with you. Check out Our Team for a medication provider or therapist that is a good fit for you!
Questions About Treatment?
Reach out to Advaita Integrated Medicine today and let us guide you toward a full and rewarding life uninhibited by mental health or substance use disorder challenges. We are here to support you every step of the way.
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Questions About Treatment?
Reach out to Advaita Integrated Medicine today and let us guide you toward a full and rewarding life uninhibited by mental health or substance use disorder challenges. We are here to support you every step of the way.