
Advaita Integrated Medicine offers services in Cary to better serve patients throughout the Triangle.
Address 1350 SE Maynard Road, Cary North Carolina, 27511
Phone number 919.893.4465
A single-story brick building with a tan roof is surrounded by lush green trees and bushes. The front of the building has a double-door entrance with a small sign next to it. A parking lot with designated parking spaces is in front of the building.
A woman wearing a green top sits while another woman adjusts a large, helmet-like medical device on her head. The setting appears to be a modern medical facility, and the assisting woman is wearing a beige blazer and smiling.

TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) Therapy

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) at Advaita Integrated Medicine is a non-invasive treatment that uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain, offering a safe and effective option for those with treatment-resistant depression.


Revitalize Your Mind: Harnessing the Power of Innovation


We strive to be a system of care that has a variety of resources available to our clients. Our TMS therapy targets the neural activity linked to depression, rejuvenating areas that affect mood and response to stress. This advanced, non-invasive approach provides new hope for those who have not found relief with traditional methods, opening doors to improved mental wellness and stability.

Our team

At the core of AIM is our dedicated team, focused on fostering an environment where optimal wellbeing is achievable.


A Team Committed to Your Wellbeing


Driven by a vision of accessible, compassionate healthcare, our diverse professionals bring unique expertise and insights to enhance our mission. We believe in the power of connection and collaborative care. From clinical experts to supportive staff, every team member contributes to creating a nurturing environment that promotes growth, healing, and comprehensive wellbeing.

Three easy steps to get scheduled now!

More contact information

Step 1: Fill out the New Patient Form.
Step 2: You’ll be directed to online scheduling.
Step 3: Pick your provider, date, and time
Step 4: Begin your wellness journey!

Email address:
Phone number: 919.893.4465
Fax number: 800-860-8126

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New Patient Form

After submitting your contact information, you will be redirected to our online scheduling system to choose an appointment time that works best for you

By filling out the above form you agree to our Privacy Policy
Address 880 M.L.K. Jr Boulevard, Chapel Hill North Carolina, 27514
Phone number 919.893.4465